Become the Host of Next Year's Patriot Tour

Patriot Tour Host Criteria

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Proposal Timeline

The proposal application window will open every year on June 15th and End on July 31st of the same year.

Application Criteria

The applicant must:

  • Have committee members preselected

  • Submit a filled-out copy of our Patriot Tour Host Proposal Template

  • Submit the completed Patriot Tour Host Proposal before the proposal submission window closes on July 1st

Host Location Criteria

The applicant and his/her location must:

  • Have been a scheduled stop on the Patriot Tour for the previous two years from the current year

  • Be a scheduled stop on the current year’s Patriot Tour schedule

  • Be within 20 miles of a medium to large population center

  • Have at least one reputable hotel (no motels) within 20 minutes of potential Launch and Homecoming venue locations

Selection Timeline and Process

After the proposal submission window closes on July 31st, the Nation of Patriots’ Patriot Tour Committee will review all of the proposals and make a final selection. That process timeline is as follows:

  • July 31 – August 31: Proposal Review

  • 1 – Sept. 14: Committee Review and Final 3 Selection

  • 15: Final Selection Vote (Award notification to selected host only follows immediately)

  • 3rd Friday of Sept.: If Necessary – Re-vote in the case of tie vote (Award notification to selected host only follows immediately)

  • October 1: New Host Announcement is published via mass email and social pages

  • October 1 – Oct. 31: Next year’s Patriot Tour schedule is designed

  • November 1: The next year’s Patriot Tour schedule is published and announced

 Ready to GO? Get started with the ONLINE APPLICATION