Contact Info: 540.942.9146 larrylgoldstein@gmail.com
Larry Goldstein is a retired CPA and higher education management consultant living in the Blue
Ridge Mountains of central Virginia. He’s U. S. Army veteran having served from 1969 to 1971,
both in Germany and Vietnam.
Larry’s introduction to the Nation of Patriots came through motorcycling. His Orange Virginia
Harley Owners Group (HOG) Chapter was an early participant in The Patriot Tours. Larry
stepped in as the chapter’s NoP coordinator when the original coordinator became ill in 2019.
Larry committed to raising money for NOP that year and has continued ever since. With
encouragement and support from NoP’s founder, Bill Sherer, Larry successfully identified the
first two central Virginia veterans to receive NoP grants. Many more have followed since then.
Larry began serving as the NoP Mid-Atlantic Regional Commander in 2023. The Mid-Atlantic
region includes Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. He continues to
coordinate NoP activities for the Orange Virginia HOG Chapter and recently joined the Blue
Ridge HOG Chapter in Lynchburg VA, which also supports the Nation of Patriots. You can meet
Larry at The 2024 Patriot Tour Launch and Homecoming in Derby, Kansas or at any of the 2024
Mid-Atlantic Region flag stops. Come out and join the ride to support disabled American
Team Members: Beth Moore