Lancaster, CA
Flag Arrival Time: We leave AV H-D at 6am to meet Las Vegas H-D in Barstow.
Venue Details: Antelope Valley Harley-Davidson 1759 W Ave J12 Lancaster, CA
Ceremony Details: 8am arrive at Veterans Home of California - Barstow for the flag transfer ceremony.
Flag Departure Time: 8:00am 2024-06-06
Route Information: Highway 138 South to 15 South
Flag Bearer: Mike Williams USN 1974-1984 / USNR 1984-1995
Contact Information: Scott Kellerman - scott@antelopevalleyhd.com
Las Vegas group: 5 June is the transfer from NV to CA. We will be meeting at the Barstow Veteran's Home. Contact Melanie Stout - nationofpatriotslv.com