Lynchburg, VA
Flag Arrival Time: Friday Aug 23rd 12:30pm
Venue Details: Harley-Davidson of Lynchburg 20452 Timberlake Rd Lynchburg, VA
Ceremony Details: 12:30pm ceremony at the Doughboy Statue at Monument Terrace 900 Court St Lynchburg VA
Flag Departure Time: Sat Aug 24th 1:30pm
Route Information: Details Coming Soon
Flag Bearer: Jim Tennant (HOG/CVMA), ETSU BS Industrial Technology, USN Mobile Construction Battalion Seabees 3 yrs reserve & 3 yrs active duty (20 months in Viet Nam)
Contact Information: Amanda Cordwell - amanda@hdoflynchburg.com Larry Goldstein - larrylgoldstein@gmail.com