Roanoke, VA


Roanoke Valley Harley-Davidson

1925 Peters Creek Rd - Roanoke, VA 24017

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Flag Arrival Time: Sat Aug 24th 3:00pm

Venue Details: Roanoke Harley-Davidson  1925 Peters Creek Rd  Roanoke, VA

Ceremony Details: upon arrival

Flag Departure Time: Sun Aug 25th 9:30am

Route Information: From Roanoke Valley HD Dealership via Route 460W to Princeton, WV Tourism Information Center.

Flag Bearer: Dave Duus Dave entered USAF in 1965. He spent his first four years in B-52 Fire Control, one year flying as a B-52 Gunner, cross trained to ground navigation maintaining TACON, instrument landing system & TVOR at Beale Air Base, CA. Deployed to Germany with Loran D (Prototype) where he was promoted to Site Commander. From there he was transferred to Tulle Greenland as Contrack Monitor, then to Scott AB, IL as Flight Inspector, flying in C140A Lockheed Jet Stars, then back to Germany, Simbach AB where he was Superintendent and Quality Control, retiring as MSGT in 1989.

Contact Information: Keith Sidwell -

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