Window Rock, AZ
Flag Arrival Time: 8:40am
Venue Details: Window Rock Tribal Park & Veterans Memorial Window Rock, AZ
Ceremony Details: 9:00am flag transfer ceremony
Flag Departure Time: 10:30am rider safety briefing; 10:45am departure
Route Information: Head west on Indian Rt 100 to Indian Rt 12; head south to I-40, turn right (west bound); take Exit 339 US191 towards St Johns; continue onto Commercial St AZ61 westbound; arrive at Circle K 61 Commercial St St Johns AZ (gas & go).
Continue west on Commercial St, turn left on 2nd then right on 1st, arrive at Apache County Veterans Memorial (256 W 1st St, St Johns AZ) for lunch stop and visit with Gold Star family.
Continue west on Commercial St AZ61 towards US180; right on US180A (Concho Hwy); continue straight on AZ277; left on AZ260 west thru Overgaard; right on Lumber Valley Road to American Legion Post 86 at 2068 Lumber Valley Rd.
Contact Information: Anthony Caniglia - anthonynopaz@gmail.com